So in my last post, I talked about what express entry is all about and how it works. In this post, I will be sharing the key requirements, so if you meet them, you know you are eligible and if you do not meet all requirements, do not worry, I will be sharing soon on how to work that out. Go on – Read the post to have a clear picture of the whole process.

So let’s jump in – candidates must meet the eligibility requirements of one of these three programs to be eligible for Express Entry:

These three programs do contain several common requirements which interested applicants can use to check their eligibility.

Skill Level: Every applicant must possess skilled work experience. The Canadian government uses the National Occupation Classification(NOC) system to assess the skill type and level of various types of employment. In the NOC database, any position at skill level 0, A, or B, qualifies as skilled work experience. Have a look at the link of NOC to have a clear understanding of what is referred to as Skilled work

Work Experience: The Express Entry programs are designed for applicants with work experience. Interested candidates must have a minimum of 12-months of full-time, skilled work experience, or an equivalent amount in part-time. Each program has more specific guidelines, but the work experience requirement makes the program unsuitable for applicants who have yet to enter the workforce.

Language Requirement: All programs within the Express Entry system require a certain degree of proficiency in one of Canada’s official languages, English or French. While the level of proficiency required varies between programs, interested candidates for all programs will be required to submit recent results from an approved language test.

Basic Admissibility: Applicants accepted through Express Entry programs must meet Canada’s basic admissibility requirements for permanent residents. This includes ensuring that applicants do not have extensive criminal backgrounds or medical conditions.

So now that you know what is required, do a self-check and see if you are eligible and if not what you can do to boost yourself. Feel Free to leave a question or comment below

Categories: Information